Senin, 16 Mei 2011

News Item Text :)

Kobalama Brings Profits

PAMEKASAN-School Organitation (OSIS) SMAN 3 Pamekasan  got profits with the holding of Kobalama Competition. Fund that was got from OSIS savings, to sell kiosks. The one of kiosks sell Poci tea.
Kobalama held on April 28th to May 10th 2011. Kiosk of Poci tea in front of Fisika Laboratory. This kiosk can you found everyday during Kobalama competition was began, at 03.00 p.m. to 05.30 p.m. According to one of the seller  of Poci tea that was cited on May 14th 2011, said that Poci tea was prefer than other kiosks. That sentence, mention about the spectators prefer to Poci tea because they thought  that bought  tea was easier and faster. Not like bought noodle that had to waited for long time. Idea to sold Poci tea, appeared  to filled savings of OSIS and because that time, Poci tea was liked by everybody and had became trend. What else sold Poci tea very exact to the spectators who thirsty when watch Kobalama Competition.
According to Nurlaily Fajrin (16) one of the seller Poci tea says,” we just take a quarter  from result of selling Poci tea. And the rest, we give to who have kiosks Poci tea actually. Usually we get Rp. 200.000 usully. “ From the profits that they got, they would save to school Organitation savings.

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